Buscando en la red encontré una tienda llamada Michaels aquí en USA que me recordaba a los chinos gigantescos que hay en España pero con todo ordenado. Esta tienda es la típica que a todas nos gustaría tener cerca porque tiene de todo, papelitos para forrar cajas, cosas para manualidades, mil cosas temáticas para fiestas, una sección de crochet, otra de pinturas, otra de Wilton y muchas cosas más, un lugar donde puedes entrar y salir 2 horas después, cosa que me pasa a mi cada vez que voy...Allí encontré que en Julio daban clases de Wilton y me apunte al curso 1 "Decoración básica" y al curso 3 "Pasta de goma y fondant" que eran los dos con el mejor horario, en otra ocasión que tenga intentaré hacer el 2 "Flores y diseño de pasteles" y el 4 "Flores avanzadas y diseño de goma". Me lo he pasado muy bien y he aprendido muchas cosas desde decorar galletas, cup cakes con frosting, hacer flores con goma hasta finalmente acabar haciendo una tarta con fondant y frosting que para ser la primera que hago estoy mu contenta.
Os dejo unas fotos para que veáis que divertido es y por si alguna os entra el gusanillo de hacerlo deciros que en España también se hacen estos cursos...yo os animo, pues la verdad es muy divertido.
Being in USA this summer, I thought that apart from trying to improve my english why not make some course of bakery using fondant and frosting. These are very typical here and very funny... In Spain, I have done some courses decorating cookies with icing and fondant (other day I will show you my cookies because I still keep them !!!).
Surfing on the internet I found a shop, here in USA, whose name is Michaels that it remember me the shops that the chinese people have in Spain but tidier. This, it is the typical shop that every woman would like to have close because there are of all, since papers to cover boxes, things for crafts, things to prepare differents themed parties, crochet, canvas and brushes to paint, Wilton's things and more, It a place where you can go in and leave 2 hours later, it is my case....There, I found that in July there was Wilton classes so I booked to the course 1 "Decorating basic" and the course 3 "Gum paste and fondant", they were what better schedule had for me, but in other moment I will try to make the course 2 "Flowers and Cake desing" and the course 4 "Advanced gum paste flowers". It was so funny, I have improved and learned a lot of things, since to decorate cookies and cup cakes with frosting, make flowers with gum paste until to finish making a cake with fondant and frosting that to be the first time that I made one, I am so happy.
I leave some photos where you can see how funny is and if someone want to try it I can say to you that in Spain you can do these courses too...I encourage you because really it was very funny.
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