Bueno hoy quiero hacer referencia al blog de http://laventanademidesvan.blogspot.com.es/ que aparte de diseñar unos complementos maravillosos (que le podéis encargar lo que queráis en su dirección de correo, ver blog) hace unos meses hizo la famosa tarta de galletas que en mi casa se conoce por la tarta de la abuela. Desde que eramos niñas nuestra abuela nos la hacía con mucha ilusión y nosotros la devorábamos. Esa tarta aunque ya hayamos crecido sigue siendo típica, sobre todo en el cumpleaños de mi hermana, pues ella sin su tarta no celebra el cumple!!!
Os dejo una foto para que veáis que pinta!! y el enlace para que podáis hacerla y disfrutarla!!!
- La Pancha Siempre Llena-
These days, I am not doing a lot of things because in a few days I will leave America to go back to Spain and we don't have time to eat them, we have to wait until we arrive to Geneva... Have you seen how many kms??? Now you can understand why I said " With open passport" hehehe...
Well, today I want to make a reference to the blog http://laventanademidesvan.blogspot.com.es/ because some months ago she made a cookies cake which is very popular in my family called Grandma's cake. It has this name because when we were child our grandma made it and we devoured it...Although we have grown up, this cake continues being very popular, indeed in my sister's birthday because she doesn't celebrate her birthday without her cake !!!...
In that blog you can see fantastic accessories that she makes too and If you like something you only have to ask her by e-mail (see blog).
Above, I leave a photo where you can see the cake and the link to know how to make it and enjoy it!!!
- La Pancha Siempre Llena -
Solo con verla ya me entran ganas de hacerla y comerla!!!!