¡¡¡Me encantan los yogures desde que nací!!!
I love the yogurt since I was born!!!
I love the yogurt since I was born!!!
Siiii...hoy traigo la más de las sencillas recetas para duplicar nuestros riquísimos yogures en casa. Eso si necesitáis tener una yogurtera, yo tengo la del lidl.
Este super como seguramente sabéis, cada semana trae cositas que muchas veces son muy útiles y a unos precios increíbles, la mía costo alrededor de 15€ si no recuerdo mal y va de maravilla.
Today I leave the easiest recipe to double our delicious yogurts by home-made. You will need a yogurt maker. I have one from lidl.
This supermarket how you know, each week offer things very useful and with a incredible prices. My yogurt maker only cost around 15€ if I don't remember bad and it works very well.
Today I leave the easiest recipe to double our delicious yogurts by home-made. You will need a yogurt maker. I have one from lidl.
This supermarket how you know, each week offer things very useful and with a incredible prices. My yogurt maker only cost around 15€ if I don't remember bad and it works very well.
Bueno voy al grano pero primero deciros que a estos delicioso yogures les podréis añadir al resultado final lo que más os guste, así ya no tendremos que comernos aquel sabor que no nos hace nada de gracia pero como viene en el pack no se puede tirar... Yo en este caso use mermelada.
First to say to you that when you finish your yogurts you can add whatever you want into of them, so we won't have to eat the flavor that it doesn't like us. In this case I added jam.
First to say to you that when you finish your yogurts you can add whatever you want into of them, so we won't have to eat the flavor that it doesn't like us. In this case I added jam.
Ingredientes para 7 yogures / Ingredients for 7 yogurts:
- 1 yogur natural / 1 natural yogurt
- 1litro de leche / 1litro of milk
- Mermelada (sabor a elegir), yo use de fresa / Jam (flavor to chose), I used strawberry
Preparación / How to make them:
- Mezclar en un bol el yogur natural con la leche. No deben quedar grumos. / Mix in a bowl the natural yogurt with the milk. Mix very well because It shouldn't have lumps..
- Poner mermelada en el fondo de cada tarro. Cantidad al gusto del consumidor (con 1 ó 2 cucharadas son suficientes). / Add the jam in bottom of each jar. The quantity will depend of you want to put. (with 1 or 2 tea spoon it is enough).
- Repartir la mezcla anterior entre los 7 tarros. / Share out the mixture among the 7 jars.
- Poner los tarros destapados en la yogurtera. / Put the jars closed in the yogurt maker.
- Tapar la yogurtera y dejarlos fermentar durante 10h. /Cover the yogurt maker and leave them for 10 hours to ferment.
- Una vez transcurrido el tiempo, taparlos y conservarlos en la nevera. / When the time spend, cover with their lids and preserve them into the fridge.
Normalmente puede sobrar algo de mezcla al poner la mermelada en el fondo, esto se puede solucionar utilizando algo menos de leche.
Usually, it can be left something of the mix if you put jam. You can solve this if you use less quantity of milk.
Usually, it can be left something of the mix if you put jam. You can solve this if you use less quantity of milk.
Os cuento que yo también he probado ha hacerlos con yogures de sabores y salen igual, pero predominando un sabor natural debido a que la proporción de yogur de sabor en cada tarro es pequeña. Lo mejor es usar la mermelada para darle el sabor que queráis.
I want to tell you that I have tried to make flavor yogurts and the result it is the same, but the flavor that it is predominant is natural because the quantity of flavor yogurt that you put in each yogurt that you make it is very little, so the best it is to use jam to give them the flavor that you want.
I want to tell you that I have tried to make flavor yogurts and the result it is the same, but the flavor that it is predominant is natural because the quantity of flavor yogurt that you put in each yogurt that you make it is very little, so the best it is to use jam to give them the flavor that you want.
Para finalizar le he añadido unas baritas de chocolate que he hecho usando chocolate fundido, una manga pastelera y unos cubitos...El truco es tan sencillo como poner los cubitos en un bol e ir dibujando lineas de chocolate sobre ellos. El frió hará que el chocolate se ponga duro y se pueda usar para decorar.
To end I have added some bars of chocolate that I have made using melted chocolate, pastry bag and ice cubes...The trick is very easy. You have to put the ice cubes in a bowl and what you have to do is draw chocolate's lines on them. The cold will do the chocolate will get hard and you can use it to decorate.
To end I have added some bars of chocolate that I have made using melted chocolate, pastry bag and ice cubes...The trick is very easy. You have to put the ice cubes in a bowl and what you have to do is draw chocolate's lines on them. The cold will do the chocolate will get hard and you can use it to decorate.
¿Visteis? Están de muerte...Ahora cada noche de doy un gustazo hecho por mi!
Did you see? they are delicious....Now, everynight I eat one of them and it is a pleasure.
Como me suena.... Yo la tengo igual!!
ResponderEliminarSalen unos yogures exquisitos! Yo la mermelada se la añado cuando los voy a comer, pero haré la prueba...